I loved getting to know my little nephew. Lucey and D. played, colored and ate together. They were so cute sitting at the little antique table I just bought for Lucey. It was sweet parenting side by side with my sister. Something we thought we would never do together. Especially at our ages! Lucey and D. are just 5 months apart in age.
It was really funny watching D. and Lucey with my Mom. They both wanted her at the same time. Here, Lucey reading with Nana. Lucey can sit on a lap for a long time. Especially Nana's lap. I have quite a few photos with my Mom holding both of her newest grandchildren at the same time. She loves it.
Mom is the "Grandchild Whisper" dogs like her too. ;-)
The big party hosted by my Aunt Clare, my Cousin Emily and my Uncle Paul. It was an amazing celebration and we appreciate all of our family coming to meet Lucey and D. I think there must have been at least 60 people gathered together. We have such a big family. Lucey and D. make grandchildren 32 and 33 into our family.
Emily came all the way from Chicago and did a lot of work make the shower extra special. Thank you so much Emily.
My sweet Goddaughter, Kara. She is always so great with Lucey.
D. got a lot of gifts....he was opening and then ran off to play with a good one I'm sure! Here, Jen is opening a few on his behalf.
This little lap top computer from Nana was a huge hit.
We're headed to church the next day and here she is with her lap top. Look at her hand on the mouse....she knows what she's doing. Oh, that's right, she watched me all the time. :-) She is also wearing her new little dress given by Auntie M.
I have a lot of great pictures....thank you, Kathy, for grabbing my camera! I don't know who is comfortable with the blog to I opted to include the pictures of those who I know don't mind.
Me and my little cousin Heather. We were so close when we were young. I'm so glad I get the opportunity to see a little more of her now that we live in Kansas. She had big news this night...she engaged. Congratulations Heather!
I didn't have any pictures of me with Aunt Clare and Uncle Paul...darn...they did so much work t throw such a special party. Thank you so much!!!
I have slacked off on photographing gifts....Lucey received so much, there is no way I can get them all together. We are incredibly grateful for all the generosity.
We are blessed.
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