I took my camera and intended to take a picture of Lucey with Santa but she was reserved. The boys and I sat in the picture with her and we bought the photo they were selling. I wish I could scan the photo for you to see but it's not hooked up. Lucey sat on my lap for the picture. Santa was sweet and asked the boys what they want for Christmas....it has been many years since they have done this ritual....I think they secretly had fun playing along.
This tree is huge and beautiful...one more photo before we shop. Adam took the boys out for dinner and they went their merry way. Lucey and I did our own shopping before we linked back up with the guys. We laughed so much that night. Adam was doing impressions of Jimmy Stewart and some of the other characters from, "It's A Wonderful Life." I had no idea he knew every line to the movie. We got home so late. Lucey was such a trooper.
I slept until almost 8:00. Wow...what a wonderful treat for me! Lucey did not get up until after 8:00. Ron was still home so he went to get her when she woke up. I had no idea they have their little routine every morning and every night.....they have tea together. This morning they invited me. Lucey is pouring tea for me.
This Morning...
Tea party pics are precious, but I love "Sampa Sauce"! LOL :) I bet your pics turned out better than Joy's. Jia was scared to death! lol :)