UP DATE-- Celissa has been found! I don't know the details but I do know she is safe. I know this post has not been up long but I also know some of you were praying...thank you! Thank you Jesus!
Haiti....what to even say? As my friend put my thoughts into words...."I feel paralyzed." It's heart breaking to read what has happened to the people there....the ones who already live in total deprivation... I've cried, prayed, and have felt so helpless.
One of my sweet bloggy friends has been to Haiti and has lived with the people there. She has friends there....please go visit her here....she shares a beautiful slide show of her time in Haiti with her family and new friends. If you scroll down a bit on her blog, there are beautiful pictures. Most of her dear ones in Haiti now have been accounted for.....but..... there is one they have not heard from yet...please go and see beautiful Celissa's picture....pray for her. Renae also has a place for donations if you have not already found an organization to send your donation to.
I felt God's love and Grace on Tuesday morning....I was dragging yet determined to get Lucey and myself to the chapel for worship, prayer and fellowship with other Sisters in Christ. It's been difficult to go since Lucey has not wanted to be in the watchcare room. Last week she clung to me so tight, cried so hard and then held on to my hair as the watchcare ladies pulled her away from me. I have some great prayer warriors in my life and I quickly made some phone calls. I also put her on the prayer list. I have been needing this time and I knew Lucey was ready too. I hated to see her so sad. So, this past Tuesday morning I told Lucey that we would be going and she told me, "No play with kids....Lucey Home....Mommy home....." I told her I had a meeting and that she would be okay. We arrived at the chapel, We walked down the hallway and into the room....this time she did not cry. She took off her coat, handed it to the sweet lady in charge and picked out a puzzle. I felt God's love all over us...the love of others who were praying for us....something so small yet so important to God. I walked down the hallway and heard the sweet women singing.....a cappella.....
"How Great is our God" the powerful lyrics are here. I joined right in not having a care in the world about how bad my voice is.....not caring that tears were rolling down my face and others would see this. I felt so safe and so loved. To grieve for a nation and feeling so happy for Lucey. We prayed....we prayed for the people in Haiti.....that paralyzed feeling lifted. We need to continue to pray; pray without ceasing.
If you were able to get through this long, emotional post....thank you...
I think I ♥ you my dear! :) xoxo