Sunday, August 30, 2009
School is in Full Swing
The boys just finished their third week of school. Today they brought home their Friday Folder with graded papers and exams. They both had a great week and feel good about school so far. I'm so relieved. Just a little bragging (this is our family journal and these are good memories to hold on to)....they came home so excited on Friday telling me how they both were the last standing in a class spelling contest to face each other. Not just once but twice. They said the kids in their class thought it was fun the first time saying things like, "Brother against brother", "Twin against twin." I'm not going to say who won both times I'm proud of both of them.
School picture day.
Lucey likes to sit between the boys at the bar while they have a snack and do homework. Christian is working hard and Lucey is having her drink.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tid Bits About Our Week
I really think that things should be slowing down a little as we get used to the school schedule mixed with homework and activities. Ron has to travel quite a bit too. I spend a lot of my time in the car (like all of you Mom's out there) and I'm okay with that. It's a me thing....I'll be honest, I'm still trying to get organized. Our schedule is packed. Ron was gone last week and he was supposed to be gone this week. Ron gave me a wonderful gift, he saw that I needed an extra hand and decided to work close to home this week. He's been driving Adam to school in the mornings. Yesterday morning (very early!) all three boys had Dr. appointments and he went with me...I went in with Adam and he went in with Andrew and Christian and we took turns juggling Lucey. A couple of other things came up this week and he was there to "fix" it. How grateful I am! Thank you so much, Ron!!! I love you!
Today, Lucey and I stayed home.....what a wonderful blessing for both of us. I'm gearing up for the evening...I need to pick Adam up from soccer practice (his school is 25 miles from home) and then it's piano lessons for the twins. I'm ready!
8/24: Andrew and Christian are ready to walk to school....Lucey and I always stand outside and wave good-bye as they start out on their 10 minute walk with all the kids in the cul-de-sac.
Andrew came bursting through the door this afternoon and was talking a mile a minute. There is a book reading competition and he wants to win. Andrew LOVES to read. He loves his books and takes such great care of them. They are precious to him. The first place we visited at the school was...yes, you guessed it....the Library. He couldn't wait to meet the librarian. I believe that Andrew is on his way to meeting his goal. I just love this about you put your all into everything you do.
8/25: Lucey went to the child care room at the chapel this morning. I'm involved in a women's ministry every Tuesday morning. She did fantastic! This was her second time going. She walked right in and found a puzzle to work with. I kissed her good-bye and she was just fine. Now, she was eager to see me when I picked her up 2 1/2 hours later and tried to slip out the door when she saw me coming. I got big hugs. She made this piece of "art".....don't you know what it is? It's a watermelon of course! :-)
Today, Lucey and I stayed home.....what a wonderful blessing for both of us. I'm gearing up for the evening...I need to pick Adam up from soccer practice (his school is 25 miles from home) and then it's piano lessons for the twins. I'm ready!
Lucey also had a doctor's appointment this week. A few of you have asked me if she has grown much. My answer....a tad. Lucey is almost 27 months old. In this picture she is wearing 18 month chinos. Now they are a little high waterish. I have been buying her 24 month clothes but they are a little loose on her but she needs them for the length. She weighs 23 pounds and is 34 1/4 inches tall. I would say she has grown taller but has not gained so much in weight. She eats so well and quite a lot. She is also very busy. The doctor said she looked great! That's all I need to hear. She also has a referral for a cardiologist. Lucey has a heart murmur along with a hole in her heart. We just need to know a little more information on that part of her.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Party Girl
Lucey was invited to her first birthday party. We live in a cul-de-sac with three other families. Between the 4 families, we have 16 children. 11 of those kiddos are girls. We all get along great and enjoy one another's company. Today, a little one turned 4. I had to wake Lucey from a sound sleep. She cried a little but once I said the little girl's name, Lucey perked up. She does not know what "Birthday Party" means but I could tell she knew it meant something pretty fun.
She is dressed and ready to go. After all the boy presents I have wrapped in the past....I couldn't resist this princess gift bag. It was darling and perfect for the gift we bought the birthday girl.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Picnic and Playground, Perfect!
I took Andrew, Christian and Lucey to the park for a picnic and play time. Ron was out of town and Adam was exhausted from his first week of school and first soccer game. He wanted to sleep (I'll post pictures of Adam soon in his school uniform). It was a beautiful evening so off we went.
Lucey brought her panda purse. A girl needs her bag, yes? We just finished up our dinner and Lucey is following the boys to the jungle gym.
She is determined to catch up with them....I think the purse is slowing her down. On a side can see the back of her hair. She just got another haircut. She is sporting a little bob. The back of her hair is now even with the sides. She looks so cute!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Someone is Driving!
Adam got his drivers license today. I can't believe this day has come. I remember when I was nervous when you were behind the wheel of the John De*re. :-) You are more than ready and capable. You have prepared. I'm just not so ready to let go. I know this is just another stepping stone on your way to independence. Congratulations Adam!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Day of School for Andrew and Christian
I have homeschooled Andrew and Christian for three years. This year, for sixth grade, they are going to be attending the grade school on the fort. It was not an easy decision but we are all in agreement, this year, they need this. They were nervous and very excited. They are in the same classroom (only 17 students) and their teacher is such a kind, very energetic, experienced woman. What a blessing. They have signed up to be in the band. They have other wonderful opportunities to learn about becoming leaders.
Christian, Left and Andrew, Right.
I have mixed feelings about sending them off....I'm going to miss them and I'm going to miss being their teacher. I know they are in good hands though and they will be fine.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
My Cousin Kathy, My Hero!
Kathy battled breast cancer last year. Let me tell about this girl, she is quite the warrior, the fighter. The battle was difficult, it was long and there were many surgeries and treatments. Her friends and family rallied around her praying for her, lifting her up to the almighty physician. I'm praising the Lord with her today, she has overcome. It was with great honor that I walk beside her this day, supporting her. She is a Mom to 4 beautiful children (see last post) and wife to Bill. She is an attorney. She supports her children in all they do....she is a coach. I'm not sure where she gets all of her energy but she has a lot of it. I love you Kathy!!!
There are about 33 great-grandchildren in our this picture...11 of them. Kara and Lucey rode double. The three girls next to Christian (in the red) are my cousin Laura's beautiful girls. My have they grown. They are so sweet and so adorable. I'm so glad I got to see you Laura.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Visit To My Cousin's House
I'm very close to my cousin, Kathy. We are Godparents to one an other's kids. It's so great that we now live 20 min. from their home. Today, Christian, Lucey and I had dinner with them. Thank you for having us. We had such a great time.
Lucey has a crazy face but let me tell you....she was quite the pampered little girl. Alyx, Jessie and Kara made such a fuss over her. She had such a blast!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Butler Bunch
My very special friend, Veronique, came with her beautiful family all the way from Germany...we have been friends for over 20 years. Because she lives across the ocean, we do not get to see one another very often. It had been 4 years! We were blessed that they would want to spend part of their vacation with us. Kevin could not come until the end of the stay, he was in Atlanta taking care of family business. His Mother passed away a few weeks earlier. Kevin, we are so sorry for your loss. I'm so glad we got to see you for a little bit.
Veronique with Baby Lena....what a doll. Our first time meeting the newest Butler.
Lena let me hold her! Ahhhh, I just loved it. She warmed up to me!
I took the girls to the playground while Lena took a nap....Lucey wants to be just like Lydia. Lydia is 6 and has grown up so much. She is a cutie pie.
Henri, the eldest Butler kiddo. Andrew, Christian and Henri had such a great time together. We didn't see them much....they were off and running. In the photo....Henri, Lydia and Christian.
Without talking it over, Veronique and I had bought the kids matching outfits. Today, they wore my outfits. The girls in plaid, the boys in their beach T.'s.
Veronique outfitted the girls in these adorable Gymb*ree dresses. Lucey has a new bow and look at her matching socks. I just love it. The boys all in matching P*lo shirts. It was very sunny that day!
Thank you so much Bunny, for the great outfits!
Kevin flew in this's was so great to see you Kevin. All of us minus Adam.....Adam is flying back to K.C. this evening.
Adam's back.....He towers over his Aunt Bunny and Uncle Kevin. Adam was their ring bearer back when he was two. It really doesn't seem that long ago. Aunt Bunny brought Adam his own stash of butter cookies. Adam looks forward and absolutely loves Aunt B.'s cookies. Thank you Aunt Bunny!
Adam and Lydia. I wished they could have spent more time together. Lydia just loved Adam. She waited so patiently for his return. She asked me numerous times if she could talk to him on the phone and when was he going to return. So cute!
We miss you, Butler Bunch!!! We won't go another 4 years without seeing you! Absolutely not! I promise! Thank you for coming and spending time with us.
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Sweet Christian
Christian is the youngest boy in our family-- by a minute. Christian has a huge heart and truly cares for people. He has a special way with adults. He is not shy and he loves to talk with older people. Christian is a snuggler and I love it. I love to sit with him and rub his back and listen to him talk about his day.
Christian is strong....when our twin boys were little, they were such chubby little guys. He has grown into a lean strong boy. He is just over 5 ft. tall. I just can't believe how he has sprouted.
Today he had a tooth pulled. He amazed me once again...he was so brave and really quite tough. The tooth's root was wrapped around another tooth so tight, the tooth broke in three places when the dentist tried to pull it out. The dentist had to dig around to find the broken pieces. The anesthetic kept wearing off and he had to get more shots and he did well. What a trooper.
Christian is strong....when our twin boys were little, they were such chubby little guys. He has grown into a lean strong boy. He is just over 5 ft. tall. I just can't believe how he has sprouted.
Today he had a tooth pulled. He amazed me once again...he was so brave and really quite tough. The tooth's root was wrapped around another tooth so tight, the tooth broke in three places when the dentist tried to pull it out. The dentist had to dig around to find the broken pieces. The anesthetic kept wearing off and he had to get more shots and he did well. What a trooper.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Ron!
We love you!!! You are the best husband and Dad! We are so proud of you.
Ron's birthday dinner.
We had a bow tie pasta and spinach with a tomato cream sauce topped with a piece of salmon and parmesan cheese. I have to say, it was really good.
Of course I had to add a picture of our Lucey in her Sunday dress. She's playing with a new toy.
Ron, we wish you a year filled with many blessings. Our love to you this day and always....
Beth, Adam, Andrew, Christian and Lucey
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Adam Is Off To The Sunshine State
We dropped Adam off at the airport today. He is taking a vacation with his best friend Ben. Ben's parents, our dear friends, Katie and Jim, invited Adam to go along with them. He flew to Dallas where he met Ben and Jim and then on to Ft. Lauderdale where they were meeting up with Katie. Because of bad weather, Adam's flight was delayed an hour. We took him to get a bite to eat and watched him go through security.....I think Adam was more than ready to get rid of us...the hovering parents that we are. Adam had another 1 1/2 hours to wait. Every year we see such maturity in Adam. I can't believe we just left him at the airport while he waited for his flight. I have confidence in Adam that he will be just fine navigating around.
Just arriving.
Adam has his bagel sandwich and is ready to go through security.
Saying goody-bye to Dad. Adam's face says it all ("okay already....I'm fine! Bye for the last time and yes, I'll be prudent with my spending"). Adam's is our sarcastic child. Adam makes me laugh.
I'm sure he was never so happy to make it through security.
We heard from Adam after he landed in Dallas and found his connection.
We will see you next Friday. Love you Adam!!!
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